A fungal infection that affects:
Athlete’s foot is caused by a group of fungi, called dermatophytes.
These fungi thrive in the warm and humid areas between your toes.
OTC antifungal creams (CANEX™ T cream) can be applied to:
OTC – Over the counter
The spaces between the fourth and fifth toes are most commonly affected in patients suffering from athlete’s foot.
Athlete’s foot can be spread through contact and by touching contaminated surfaces or shared public spaces like showers and bathrooms.
Although athlete’s foot is common under athlete’s, anyone can suffer from it.
AVOID contact with contaminated people or surfaces – DO NOT use public bathrooms / showers bare foot.
Keep your feet clean and dry.
Fungal nail infections can affect fingernails or toenails.
Fungal nail infections are also called onychomycosis or tinea unguium.
Fungal nail infections are common infections of the fingernails or toenails.
Different types of fungi (yeast / mould) can cause fungal nail infections.
Small cracks / openings in your nail or the surrounding skin can cause fungi to enter and cause infection on or under the nail.
If your nails are infected with a fungus, it may be:
Fungal nail infections usually do not go away without antifungal treatment.
Oral and topical antifungal agents can be used. (CANEX™ T cream) Treatment takes up to 6 weeks for fingernails and up to 12 weeks for toenails.
Fungal nail infections are not painful, unless severe.
Some patients with athlete’s foot also suffer from fungal toenail infections.
You are more at risk for fungal nail infections if you are:
Diabetic, have a weakened immune system, are over 65 years old, have a nail injury or a skin injury around the nail, have poor circulation or swim in public swimming pools.
A fungal infection that develops on the skin and between skin folds under a baby’s diaper.
Diaper / nappy rash is common and is caused by a fungus called Candida.
Candida grows best in warm and moist areas such as under a diaper.
OTC – Over the counter
Nappy rash does not spread beyond the edge of the diaper.
Nappy rash is more common in babies with:
Severe rashes can also be treated with an 1 % hydrocortisone cream.
Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection and not a worm. It can affect the different parts of the body.
A common fungal infection that develops on the skin.
Ringworm is also known as:
Ringworm is caused by a group of fungi that grows on your skin, called dermatophytes.
Ringworm is NOT caused by a worm!
Symptoms will depend on which body part is affected.
Common symptoms include:
Treatment is based on the body part affected and how serious the infection is. Most ringworm infections can be treated with OTC topical antifungal products (CANEX™ T cream) for 2-4 weeks applied to the affected area.
If your infection is more serious, you may need prescription medication.
It can take 4-14 days for symptoms to appear after the skin comes in contact with the fungus ; OTC – Over the counter
Discover what type of ringworm you might be suffering from.
Scaly, itchy, red spots on the cheeks, chin, and upper neck. Affected hair may fall out.
itchy, red, scaly circular bald spot (hair loss in affected area) – more common in children.
scaly, itchy, red spots, usually on the inner sides of the thigh.
Jock itch is more common in men and male teenagers. It may get worse after physical activity.
Ringworm can be spread through contact with infected humans, surfaces and animals.
Avoid sharing personal items, keep skin clean and dry and don’t walk barefoot in public places.
The fungus that causes ringworms thrives in warm and humid areas.